3 years of editorial bliss on the horizon for Jamie, who will be serving on the editorial board of the journal, Aphasiology.
Happy 2024 Everyone!
Lots to look forward in the lab this year. Lucia Pattullo will be starting with us as a PhD student. We are getting a new dry EEG rig. Our conversation alignment algorithms are working and producing some very cool results. We are excited for everything to come!
Lucia Pattullo MA thesis defense coming up!
Our USA Presidential Debates R package is live
Text miners, NLP geeks, and dialogue analysts - we have got a treat for you. Click <here> to learn more about this R package representing televised two-party debate transcripts in the United States from 1960 to the president. I am not a crook!
Dewitt Fortenberry wins 2023 ASHF minority student scholarship!!!
Our MA student phenom Dewitt Fortenberry is the recipient of the American Speech Language Hearing Foundation minority graduate fellowship. Dewitt is now rich beyond his wildest dreams and will be headed to the ASHA conference in Boston next month to receive the award.
check out this skateboard
Our newest lab member just got a new skateboard for her birthday, and this thing is gorgeous!
The curseR R package is here!
CurseR is an R package that generates combinations of curse words using the principles our lab wrote about in our 2020 article in Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. To run curseR and output 10 curse words, open your R console and enter the following code:
Lucia Pattullo wins fellowship to ANCDS 2022 in New Orleans!
Lucia has won a very competitive fellowship to the 2022 ANCDS conference in New Orleans where she will be paired with a senior aphasiologist to learn the ropes.
Dr. Max Flurie defends his dissertation
For years he has been practicing as ‘dr’ without a license, but now it’s official. Congratulations to Max Flurie on the successful defense of a terrific dissertation today on symbolic cognition.
Jamie's Twitter post makes it to the big time
Featured in Yuko Manakato’s article in the Annual Review of Developmental Psychology
Max Flurie kicks butt at the Society for the Neurobiology of Language conference
Wow — Max’s talk was fantastic. Max presented a slam talk last week titled: Symbolic representation of abstract concepts using the N400 mismatch effect. Congrats Max!
Lucia Pattullo joins the lab!
We are excited to welcome a new MA thesis student , Lucia Pattullo. Lucia completed her undergrad at the University of Chicago and is now a student in Temple’s SLP program.
Jamie joins the editorial board of Neuropsychologia
One of the lab’s favorite peer-reviewed journals is Neuropsychologia. After many years of reviewing for the journal, Jamie was invited to serve on the editorial advisory board. Exciting times!
Nikki Fackler off to UNC's PhD program!
Our undergraduate phenom, Nikki Fackler, is off to complete her PhD under the direction of Dr. Peter Gordon at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. We will miss Nikki and wish her the best. She’s got an awesome future ahead of her.
happy 2021 everyone
Happy New Year everyone!
I predict that by next week we’ll be rockin. Ha ha ha <crying>
be on the lookout for our anosmia case study in Neurocase
The lab’s case study on language for olfactory semantics in an adult with probable congenital anosmia was just accepted at Neurocase. Be on the lookout for:
Reilly J, Finley AM, Zuckerman B, Kelly A, & *Flurie M (in press, 2021). The semantics of smell: A neuropsychological case-control study of lexical-semantic processing in total anosmia. Neurocase.
Nearing the age of 50, Jamie Reilly asked his first coding question on Stack Overflow
This was horrifying! Everyone on Stack Overflow seems so helpful and smart, but I’ve often seen sage advice dished out with a dollop of serious snark. I’m prepared for the shame that will ensue. I’m too old for this though. Rave next? Skateboarding? Trying to get an internship at Facebook?
Read our text mining analyses of the Unabomber Manifesto
We’ve been learning some of the very basics of automated text mining in these COVID times with limited human subjects testing. Check out this lexical frequency analysis of Theodore Kaczynski’s essay, Industrial Society and its Future.
Max Flurie publishes his first peer reviewed article in JSLHR!
Sure he’s been accused of riding Jamie Reilly’s coattails, calling himself a doctor, etc. BUT NO MORE! Max just had his first lead-authored paper accepted at the Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. That’s a big deal in our field. Go Max, and congratulations to his co-author, the great Molly Ungrady!!!
Be on the lookout for: